Surabaya Confirmed As The Best
City In Asia-Pasific Region 2012
Posted: July, 14th 2012
Do you know Surabaya City? Surabaya is the one of the biggest capital
cities in Indonesia. It is capital from East Java province. Where the
biggest trade in Indonesia is occured after Jakarta. Surabaya is also
known as city of hero. Surabaya also ever experince of the turmoil in
economic sector. Because of that, the development in all sector getting
Nevertheless at present. Surabaya reincarnate to be the best
city in Asia-Pacific in Big Impact catagory by City Net version. How dare? Under the major city
Tri Rismaharini, Surabaya be able to synergize the powers of four
macroelements of city. They are
private parties, community parties, university
parties, and the government itself. So that from Surabaya of which are
arid, messy, and dirty become beautiful, clean, tidy and cultured city.
The succssesfulness from Surabaya as
the best city in Asia-Pasific defeat the big cities in Asia-Pasific countries such as Singapore,
Malaysia, South Korea, Australia, and others country is an achievement given by
City Net since 25th was built.